Robots.txt Generator
Robots.txt generator is a tool that creates a robots.txt file, which is a plain text file that is placed in the root directory of a website and is used to communicate with web crawlers, such as Googlebot or Bingbot, about which pages or sections of the website should not be indexed or crawled.
The robots.txt file includes a set of rules, called "user-agent" and "disallow" directives, that specify which pages or sections of a website should be blocked from crawling. For example, a user-agent directive might target a specific web crawler, such as "User-agent: Googlebot", and a disallow directive might specify a specific page or directory to be blocked, such as "Disallow: /private/".
Our robots.txt generator tools available online. These tools will help you to create a robots.txt file and also help you to validate it.
It's important to note that while robots.txt can prevent web crawlers from indexing certain pages, it can't prevent them from accessing the pages. Therefore, it's not a good idea to rely on robots.txt to hide sensitive information or protect private data.